
Quint is a developer-friendly (some say delightful) formal specification language based on TLA+. It comes with useful tooling for exploring models, including a random simulator and integration with the Apalache model-checker.

The project was started by Igor Konnov at Informal Systems in 2021 to test the following hypothesis:

Do engineers have an easier time onboarding to TLA+, if they are offered a syntax that looks more like a modern programming language?

In addition, Quint comes equipped with standard tools that are expected by software engineers, but uncommon for formal specification languages: a type checker, a VSCode plugin, and a testing framework.

I joined the project in 2022 at Informal Systems, contributing to various parts of the system, including

Quint was developed by Igor Konnov, Gabriela Moreira, Shon Feder, Jure Kukovec and myself. It is maintained and further extended at Informal Systems.